as not asked whether it was okay if they massaged my gluts area; it was massaged A LOT.
I'm not particularly shy about either of these things, but you might want to speak up if you're particularly concerned about either. The massage that I paid for was $35 for a 50 minute massage. What I got was almost 1.5 hours of service from a genuinely eager masseuse in training. He listened to me when I told him where my tension areas were and assured me that he would help me work out those areas. He also found lots of additional areas thought were tight and worked extensively on those areas. The facilities were clean and private, but sterile. You're definitely not stepping into a spa environment. There was nic
I'm not particularly shy about either of these things, but you might want to speak up if you're particularly concerned about either. The massage that I paid for was $35 for a 50 minute massage. What I got was almost 1.5 hours of service from a genuinely eager masseuse in training. He listened to me when I told him where my tension areas were and assured me that he would help me work out those areas. He also found lots of additional areas thought were tight and worked extensively on those areas. The facilities were clean and private, but sterile. You're definitely not stepping into a spa environment. There was nic
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